
Top 100 Songs in Music Streaming Companies

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The goal of the mini-project is to analyze the popularity and audio features of songs selected by giant companies in the music-streaming (or reviewing) industry, including Spotify, Rolling Stone, Billboard, and Red Music Company.

Through this project, we can answer the following questions.

  1. What is the standard(s) of each company to select the best song?
  2. Are the best songs popular in public?

All the information is in the Spotify Web API, even though these songs are selected from different music-streaming companies.


  1. Data Collection
    • This part is collecting data related to songs in the rank of each company, using Spotify API and spotipy, which is a useful library for Spotify Web API to get information from the Web API without writing complex codes.
    • The following information of each music ranking chart would be collected: Artist’s name, Genre, Popularity of the song, and audio features). It is required to understand the structure of the Spotify playlist object.
  2. Data Analysis
    • This part is analyzing collected data sets, exploring informative insights from them, and answering the following questions.

      • Which audio characteristics does each playlist have?
      • Are the selected music really popular in public?
      • What are the relationships among the popularity and audio features?


  1. Data Collection: Collected required information from Spotify Web API and created data frames for further analysis. image

  2. Data Analysis

    • Which audio characteristics does each playlist have? image
      • The songs in Rolling Stone’s playlist have active audio features: danceability, energy, loudness, mode, speechiness, instrumentalness
      • Billboard ‘s best songs are acousticness.
      • Spotify’s best songs have a longer duration than others.
      • Red Music may consider liveness, valence, and tempo as they select the best songs.
    • Are the selected music really popular in public? image
      1. The songs selected by Billboard are the most popular songs in public.
      2. Rolling Stone selected the songs in various range of popularity.

        The average scores of popularity of each playlist are as follows.

      • Billboard: 85.08
      • Rolling Stone: 65.52
      • Spotify: 63.07
      • Red Music: 73.83
    • What are the relationships among the popularity and audio features?

      1. Billboard image

      2. Rolling Stones image

      3. Spotify image

      4. Red Music Company image

      5. Conclusion

        • Billboard and Red Music Company selected the songs with high instrumental quality as the best and actually, these songs are popular in public.
        • The popular songs selected by Spotify as the best songs have a high liveness feature.
        • The Rolling Stones selected the best and most popular songs that contain a high danceability sound.
        • Most songs that are very loud in the playlists may also have the audio features of energy.
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